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Indian Roommates
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Hyderabad Roommates
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Find a good Roommate in Hyderabad - Tollywood of India
Mood:  happy
Topic: Indian Roommates
Hyderabad a capital of Andhra Pradesh is very popular city in India. It categorized as a class A city in India. Same as Bangalore, Hyderabad is also an IT hub of India. So many companies of IT industry are based in Hyderabad. The most important thing to know about Hyderabad is world’s largest film studio; the Ramoji Film City is also established in Hyderabad. Other than that all the city is known as a Tollywood, as it is second largest in India for the development of Telugu Film Industry.

So the people from IT Industry, Film Industry want to stay in Hyderabad for the career perspective. So they want rooms on rent. If you are also one of them and you got a good room in the city then its rally good for you. But as Hyderabad is class A city rent is quite high in the city. So if you can find good roommate for your room then its really good for you. To find a good roommate in Hyderabad is really not so easy.

As most of the people are coming from different locations of India, you will find the people from religion and state. It’s obvious that you don’t know the habits of the people from all the state. So whenever you are finding a good roommates in Hyderabad be very careful. People are coming here for different purpose like some of them are coming for the job in IT industry and some of them want to try their luck in film industry also. So it is really tough to know about the person.

The most important reason for a roommate is to share expenditure. If the person whom you are choosing as roommate is employed then it is not a problem. He will be able to share the rents and bills with you. But the job security is also matters a lot. Like if the person is on contract bases or on ad hawk bases then after some time you will face a major problem. Either you have to pay the share of your roommate or you have to find another one. So always inquire about the job security of the person before sharing a room with him/her.

If the person is struggler in film industry then it will be very tough situation for you to manage. Because its not sure when he/she will get a good break and work in film industry. It is a reality that so many people are trying their luck in films. So you can never predict who will get a good chance. You cannot predict the time duration also. So struggler's are the most dangerous for you to share your place.

It is not always that all the struggler's or unemployed persons are not good. They might be very good, genuine and honest but because of luck they might not getting good chance. So it is not always advisable to reject such person.  So the best way is take help of your references. You can check the job and work status of the person and ask for 1 or 2 references.  You can inquire from that references and on the behalf of that reference you can have an overall idea about the genuinely and honesty of that person. By reference checking you will also get some idea about the personality and hobbies of the person, so in future it will not create any issues of interests and even character about that person. So please keep all these factors in your mind whenever you are finding a good roommate in Hyderabad.

Posted by indianroommates at 5:19 PM
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